On Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 in Boating Safety, Boating Tips.
If you spend any significant time out on the water, chances are that you have found yourself on either end of a towline.
It used to be that the Coast Guard would respond to a stranded boater. But the organization – which does routinely respond to life-threatening crisis calls – was swamped with calls when people had minor mechanical issues or simply ran out of gas, and they no longer respond to these calls. This is a space that Sign and Glide has aptly filled; our services guarantee that you will never be left on the water. Still, you may find yourself helping someone else; or being towed by a fellow skipper. These are the three main components to a safe tow:
Having strong gloves to protect your fingers and a sharp knife to cut the line are both important proactive measures.
You will either be operating in smooth seas, or rough seas. In smooth conditions, the rescuing boat can alongside the disabled boat and throw the towline across; but in rough seas, the towline can be floated downwind attached to a life cushion or flotation device. If you cannot hear the occupants of the other boat; or if you have no radio, communicate that the towline is secured by clasping your hands over your heat.
Once connected securely, take up the slack very gradually. Once at towing speed, steer the disabled boat for the stem of the tow vessel, which will reduce strain on the tow vessel. Ask the tow vessel to slow down if the disabled boat is being jolted, swaying side to side or feels unstable.
If you are in a position to tow another vessel, the law considers you a “Good Samaritan” and you are protected from liability as long as you “act as any prudent person would”. If you feel uncomfortable or incapable of towing, especially in bad weather, offer to go get help or call for help. If you are being towed, your rescuer is entitled to fair compensation – but in the boating community, a sincere thank you and a cold beverage are often accepted as payment.
Sign and Glide provides expert towing services at highly affordable rates. If you are going to be out on the water, it is easy to obtain membership and guarantee a safe and competent every time. Call us today, and never be stranded again.